Read on to find out about a special gift handmade for you to help with the seasonal change!
Reiki is a Japanese holistic, light-touch, energy-based modality. My Reiki sessions combine traditional Usui Reiki with guided imagery based on your natural, unique energies and needs. Your Reiki treatment ends with a clearing using sound and herbal smudging. Come for relaxation, leave feeling nourished and renewed.
Reiki's Benefits:
⁃ relax the mind and body
⁃ release and balance emotions
⁃ increase energy
⁃ promote creativity
⁃ support positive changes in your life
FREE GIFT: Included with your Reiki treatment this month is a week long supply of Three Root Tea plus directions for doing a gentle cleanse. As the season turns is the perfect time to let go of old stuff and clear your body for new nutrition and experiences. Three Root Tea includes Burdock Root, Dandelion Root and Yellow Dock Root. The Three Root Tea is deep acting and excellent as a blood purifier, for lymphatic congestion, kidney and bladder problems, liver and gallbladder function and more. The directions call for a very easy and simple cleanse so that you can continue with your daily life.
BONUS!: You will receive a Harvest Bundle. Included in the Bundle is a Harvest Prayer, and supplies to carry out a small yet potent Harvest ritual, honoring the season that has passed, and bringing in the Autumn.
One session, with all gifts included, is $75. Sliding scale depending on income available, please let me know. The September gifts have a retail value of $25 but are yours FREE with your Reiki treatment. While quantities last. Reserve your appointment today! Book three treatments for the price of $200 and receive the September gifts + a surprise bonus gift.
Feel free to forward this to anyone who may be interested. Daytime and evening appointments available. Allow for 1 1/2 hours for each appointment. I am located in the Dundas and Ossington area.
To book your appointment, call or e-mail.
Marta: 416.433.4915 or bastinboots@gmail.com