April 24, 2010

Spring Cleansing

We are in the midst of spring cleansing season. If you haven't yet done a spring cleanse, here are some tips. The spring is a natural time to cleanse as we leave behind the winter and enter a new season of growth. The fresh shoots of spring greens brought a welcome relief historically from eating preserved food and winter vegetables.

* If you haven't cleansed before, get educated. There are so many. At your local health food store you will find herbal packages. You could also put together your own herbal teas. Some people do The Master Cleanse. Others simply omit all except for organic vegetables and fruit for a week or so. Water fasting may be a bit extreme if it is your first time.

* Make sure that you get lots of sleep and take time to rest when cleansing. Your body will be going through changes, and may need to lie down at times to process the release of winter gunk, toxins, emotions, old thoughts... whatever may be coming up for you.

* Be careful with herbal laxatives. Go with cholagogues instead (such as yellow dock) that stimulate bile production instead of laxatives which may make you dependent.

* To help the process of cleansing, remember to drink lots of clean water, with lemon if you can (rinse your mouth with water after having lemon drinks to prevent the citrus eating away your teeth).

* At this time, clean your home, go through the basement, filter your files, go through your clothes and give some away to 2nd hand stores... your outer environment is a reflection of your inner environment: what needs to shift?

* If you feel really ill and have only been drinking vegetable juices for two days then you CAN slow down your cleanse, remember you are in control, and if you are not into torturing your body, then slow down. Make a green smoothie (the fibre will slow down the detox) or add some ground flax to your juice or have some fruit.

* Cravings may arise during your cleanse for a variety of things. Breathe and count to 25... have some fruit. Keep going.

* Add solid food into your diet slowly afterwards, or your tummy may feel bad!

* Take an enema or get a colonic - this may help a lot of digestive distress, headaches or aches & pains.

* Dry brush, give yourself facials with honey or avocados, take hot Epsom salt baths, take hot/cold showers.

* Go for long walks in nature and stretch/ practice yoga.

* Whatever you do, listen to your body, and make adjustments as necessary.

And reward yourself at the end of your cleanse. You have just done something great not only for yourself. You have become more clear and focussed, and can bring that clarity to whatever your purpose may be (now go and save the planet!).

April 13, 2010

Stop! And smell the flowers...

We have heard this said. And on walks I will often slow down and smell the blossoms on trees, or newly opened flowers. But recently I have been realizing that this old saying means so much more!

Are you busy checking off your To Do list? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the items on your list, and all the things you are not getting to in your life? If you are constantly rushing to get things done then stopping to smell the roses may be just the thing for you. When was the last time you made time to enjoy the moment, fill your senses with delight, and REFLECT ON ALL THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE!!! Yes, you have already 'accomplished' so much - you have been given and given yourself so many gifts. A gratitude journal comes in handy here, or simply a weekly list of 12 accomplishments.

Take a moment every day, in all areas of your life, and reflect and review. Doing so will give you a wonderful feeling of wealth. Reflect on all the ways that you have loved and been loved, all the scrumptious dishes you have made and adorned, all the poems you have written, all the songs you have sung. Think of all the money and resources that have poured through your life!

Often just reviewing this way may give you inspiration for your next project, and that sense of accomplishment that will propel you to the next plateau of your journey.

Next time, I will be writing about Spring Cleansing (since it is the season:)

April 5, 2010

Daily Morning Routine

I still wait to reveal my surprise. As all is handled behind scenes and the wheels of bureaucracy turn, I am compelled to continue writing into The Green Hearth blog. I have a list of topics that I have been asked about, and blog entries on these topics (ex. migraines, raw food, menstrual cycle pain and heaviness, skin problems, etc) will follow in the upcoming weeks.

For today I thought I would include my morning routine. This is what I do every morning for my whole being health. I may take a couple days off during the week, but honestly I feel best when I stick to it. The whole routine takes me about 2 hrs, some days longer, some shorter. Here she is:

~Wake with the sun (I am working towards this;)
~Big glass of water
~Bathroom necessities
~Green smoothie
~Raw vitamins and herbal teas
~Dry brushing
~Daily yoga (my own routine after years of yoga classes and workshops)
~Dance DVD's (1/2 hr or so routines)
~Strength exercises (I do Pete Cerqua's 90 second strength training)
~Salve and essential oils on my injured knee
~Journalling (part of my daily writing too)

And then my day continues, and I feel like gold. I highly recommend making your health a priority, especially first thing in the day. Then you can do what you need with your day, the most important person is taken care of : YOU! If you are not feeling great, what do you bring to your work, your relationships, your life?

Make your new morning routine today, and be gentle with yourself adopting it, it takes time, especially if you are switching from addictive and unhealthy habits (like too much coffee, fatty and nutrient deficient breakfasts, lack of movement and flexibility). I look forward to my whole morning routine growing and changing to best support me. I would love to incorporate a walk in the park in now that the weather is turning. Go for it! Make your mornings a joy.