~In June I had a very powerful experience at a Tony Robbins event. He had us in peak state for hours, and I walked on fire near the CN Tower, with my limp and all. I felt so empowered afterwards, and relieved;) My life has truly shifted since that weekend and me and my boyfriend have signed up for more Tony Robbins events. Next stop, Arizona in December -> Date with Destiny~
~Since May I have been going every Tuesday evening to the community gardens in High Park to work on a herb garden with a Toronto herbalist. My awareness of herbs and of the plant world has grown tremendously. In the Fall we will continue with harvesting and creating foods and medicines, such as fermented food and salves~
~June also marked the end of the classes I was making up at the Transformational Arts College. I am officially finished my classes for my Certified Natural Health Practitioner certification (ok, fine, I have a few Spiritual Healing classes to do over the summer, but no homework from those:). AND I am almost finished my case work for the program, and super excited to offer you extended services as soon as I am licensed~
~My garden is growing all lovely, with heritage tomatoes, baby greens, sunflowers, pumpkins!, plums, pears, grapes and oh so many herbs:) I am particularly happy to be growing quite a few herbs that I can make medicines out of, as well as dry to make smudge (herbs that are burned for purification)~
I truly hope everyone is having a beautiful summer, and getting outside into nature as much as possible. Till soon, XO
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