Included in the gift is a glass amber bottle of The Queen of Hungary’s Water, handmade by infusing various herbs, such as lemon balm, roses, lavender, calendula & more, in organic apple cider vinegar. To this I add rose water, witch hazel distillate and essential oils for a truly special water. Use for: mosquito & insect bites, skin conditions, aftershave & facial toner. The Queen of Hungary’s Water is said to be one of the first European perfumes, and has been used as a cure-all for centuries in various fashions.
Also included in your gift are sachets of Vision Tea, formulated by me using herbs and trees. The Vision Tea is perfect for brewing up on camping trips and sipping under the night stars or when you require spiritual clearing and access to your inner vision. Comes in individual, biodegradable tea bags.
The July gift has a retail value of $20 but is yours FREE with your Reiki treatment. While quantities last. Reserve your appointment today! Book three treatments for the price of $150 and receive the July gift + a surprise bonus gift.
Reiki is a Japanese holistic, light-touch, energy-based modality. My Reiki treatments combine traditional Usui Reiki with a nourishing guided meditation that I create specifically for you based on your natural, unique energies and needs. Your Reiki treatment ends with a clearing using sound and herbal smudging. Come for relaxation, leave feeling nourished and renewed.
Daytime and evening appointments available. I am located in the Dundas and Ossington area. To book your treatment contact me:
Marta: 416.433.4915 or bastinboots@gmail.com
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